单元自测 1 试题及答案
[题目] The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process..
答案: indicate
[题目] — This project is too big for me to finish on time.—________________.
答案: I' ll give you a hand
[题目] AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were ______to be promoted into management jobs.
答案: more likely
[题目]______ CEOs spend planning, the more profitable their companies are.
答案: The more time
[题目]______ his anger the employees called him Mr. Thunder, but they loved him.
答案: Due to
[题目]______ managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others, but theyspend much of it obtaining and sharing information.
答案: Not only do
[题目]— Could you give us a speech on management functions some day this week?—________________.
答案: I' d love to, but I' m busy this week
[题目]— I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months.—__________. We' ve been working hard, but still getting behind.
答案: You' re right
[题目]— Is it possible for you to work out the plan tonight?—__________
答案: I think so.
[题目]— We could let some of the staff work from home. ________________?— That' s a good idea.
答案: What do you think of it
[题目]Even the best continually seek ways to ______ their skills.
答案: sharpen
[题目]It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity ______ we transform creativity and visioninto the technologies.
答案: that
[题目]Supervisors should ______ their employees in two-way communication so that understandingtakes place.
答案: engage
[题目]The demands and requirements placed on the CEO of Sony are different from ______ on themanager of your local Wendy' s restaurant.
答案: those
[题目]The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions ______employ the best possible workers.
答案: on how to
[ 题 目 ]The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned withWorse, a culture of status inside Nokia made everyone want to hold onto vested power for fearof resources being allocated elsewhere if they delivered bad news or showed that they werenot bold or ambitious enough to undertake challenging assignments.Beyond verbal pressure, top managers also applied pressure for faster performance inpersonnel selection. This led middle managers to over promise and under deliver. One middlemanager told us that you can get resources by promising something earlier, or promising a lot.It' s sales work.
While modest fear might be healthy for motivation, abusing it can be like overusing a drug,which risks generating harmful side effects. To reduce this risk, leaders should coordinatewith the varied emotions of the staff. Nokia' s top managers操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。
1. Nokia lost the smartphone battle because its technology is not as good as that of Apple.
[ 答案: F]
2. Nokia' s middle managers were frank to tell the truth, but the top ones didn' t listen tothem.
[答案: F]
3. Nokia' s top managers were too moody to hear anything good but harsh.
[答案: T]
4. Middle managers in Nokia delivered results more than they promised earlier.
[答案: F]
5. Nokia' s top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internalcoordination and truth.
[答案: T]
1. What kind of role is Melinda taking on for her job? C
答案: C Project coordinator.
2. How long will Melinda be trained for her new role? B
答案:B Half a month.
3. How often should Melinda report to the board on the progress of the project? A
答案: A Once a month.
4. What kind of contract can Melinda sign with outside contractors? B
答案:B Standard temporary-worker contract.
5. Which one does NOT belong to Melinda's responsibilities? A
答案:A Formulate the industry standard of payment.
Who Killed Nokia?
Who Killed Nokia?Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smartphone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn't see the disruptive iPhone coming.
1. Nokia lost the smartphone battle because its technology is not as good as that of Apple.回答
[答案: F]
2. Nokia's middle managers were frank to tell the truth, but the top ones didn't listen to them.回答
[答案: F]
3. Nokia's top managers were too moody to hear anything good but harsh.回答
[答案: T]
4. Middle managers in Nokia delivered results more than they promised earlier.回答
[答案: F]
5. Nokia's top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internal coordination and truth.
[答案: T]
单元自测 2 试题及答案
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[题目] — If you can't say what you've come to say at the meeting, what's the point?—____________________,but I think you might need to change your approach somewhat.
答案: I can see that
[题目]— Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?—____________________.
答案: I' m afraid I have no idea
[题目]—____________________identify the problems that have been occurring?—Well, as you know, the problems we had with Gary caused a lot of friction among the team.
答案: Are you able to
[题目]—How can you explain the latest situation?—____________________, I know it is all my fault.
答案: Sorry
[题目]—How did your meeting go yesterday?— ____________________actually, it was really frustrating.
答案: Not so good
[题目]Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms__________ colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon.
答案: that
[题目]Every time I tried to say something, he would ______ to something else.
答案: move on
[题目]He' s left now, but productivity hasn' t ______that much.
答案: picked up
[题目] I think the primary ______factor is there's been so much absence lately.
答案: contributing
[题目]If demand is rising but the firm __________ from communication failure, then stocks will fall and there will be understaffing.
答案: is suffering
[题目 ]In today' s environment, __________ people are often burned out, it' s important foremployees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believe in.
答案: where
[题目]What you need to do is to keep things short and sweet, just the ______.
答案: highlights
[题目] When the message finally reached the Command Center, it __________ “mutated” to become —“Send three and four-pence, we're going to a dance.”
答案: had
[题目]Who was ______ the meeting?
答案: chairing
[题目]Creativity, especially __________ which takes place across departmental boundaries, is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips.
答案: that
二、 完型填空 (共 50 分)
操作提示: 通过下拉选项框选择正确的词汇。
[答案: weirdest]
thing. There are more ways than ever to communicate with people,yet it sometimes seems like it is more difficult to connect — and stay
[答案: connected]
—with anyone.Should you
[答案: shoot]
off an email? Tap out a text? Post a private message onFacebook? Write on their Facebook wall? Skype, poke, ping or conjure them up on a digitaltin can phone?And once you reach someone, you wonder: Is he paying attention? How do you know? Evenwith the techno-ease of
[答案: countless]
communication devices, conversations can still betroublesome. Questions are asked and answered
[答案: out]
of order. Instructions and directionsgo half-read. Meetings are botched. Feelings are hurt.
二、 阅读理解: 根据文章内容, 判断正误 (共 50 分)。
It's no secret that good leaders are also good communicators. Indeed, communication and leadership are inextricably tied. How can you galvanize, inspire or guide others if you don't communicate in a clear, credible and authentic way? Here are 5 essential communication practices of effective leaders:
操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。
1. Communication and leadership don' t always go hand in hand.
[答案: F]
2. The say-do gap happens when people misunderstand their leader' s intention.
[答案: F]
3. Using technical jargon makes a leader convincing.
[答案: F]
4. Communicating sincerely is always the best.
[答案: T]
5. Observation is as important as communication when you want to know what people really think.
[答案: T]
二、 阅读理解: 根据文章内容, 完成选择题 (共 50 分)。
The meaning of communication goes a lot deeper than people often think. Communication isabout conceiving, sending, receiving, and interpreting messages as well as confirming receptionof these messages. A failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication.Ineffective communication can be disastrous. There is a famous story of a British Army Commanderwho sent the message Send reinforcements, we' re going to advance. back to his Command Center,
through a long chain of subordinates. When the message finally reached the Command Center,it had mutated to become -- Send three and four-pence, we' re going to a dance. The reinforcementsnever arrived.You can demonstrate this same principle, albeit on a less dramatic scale, by trying toplay Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people. It is highly unlikely
操作提示: 通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。
1. Confirming reception of the sent messages means[C].
答案: C. the messages are correctly understood by right receivers
2. In the famous British Army Commander story, which step probably did NOT go wrong in thecommunication chain? [A]
答案: A. Conceiving.
3. What is Chinese whispers? [B]
答案: B. A game to pass message around in a whisper.
4. Allocative failure does NOT happen when[A].
答案: A. the right information goes to the right place
5. According to the passage, which of the following cases does NOT belong to human failure?[C]
答案: C. Increasing customer complaints.
单元自测 3 试题及答案
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[题目] How do you get your members to ______ as a team?
答案: pull together
[题目] I like to think ______. I am always the one finding new ways to a situation or challenge.
答案: outside of the box
[题目] In high school, I am equally comfortable______as a member of a team and independently.
答案: working
[ 题目 ] The team creates an environment ______ people are comfortable in communicating,advocating positions, and taking action.
答案: in which
[题目]— Could I borrow your iPad for a few hours?—_____________
答案: Sure, here you are. Enjoy your time.
[题目]— I am sorry for what I have said to you.—_____________
答案: Don' t think any more about it.
[题目]— What are your teammates like?—_____________
答案: They are all warmhearted and helpful.
[题目]— Will you help me arrange a meeting with Mr. Brown, please?—_____________
答案: Sorry I can' t. I have to finish my project right now.
[题目]—_____________— I'd like to have this film developed.
答案: May I help you?
[题目]I believe that I have a lot to contribute ______ a team environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and player roles.
答案: to
[题目]I have been very lucky to have had ______ managers during my career so far.
答案: terrific
[题目]If I take the time to talk with my manager at the beginning of a project, we ______ offto a great start on the same page.
答案: can get
[题目 ]Regular and concrete feedback is important ______ who is not performing up to herpotential.
答案: when dealing with a worker
[题目]Team members are ______ as unique people with irreplaceable experiences, points of view,and knowledge to contribute.
答案: viewed
[题目]The majority of these team challenges ______ anywhere.
答案: can be delivered
二、 阅读理解: 根据文章内容, 完成选择题 (共 50 分)。
A team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young,bright and enthusiastic team. However, one of their chief problems was the fact that theywouldn' t share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they weretoo focused on themselves and not on the team. As a result, she brought them all into thecafeteria. All of the tables and chairs had been stored away, and fun decorations and hundredsof different colored
操作提示: 通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。
1. This team building event was aimed at [B].
答案: B. making the team members know how to share information or solutions and cooperate witheach other
2. This event was held in [A].
答案: A. a self-service restaurant
3. About how many team members were out of the second round of the activity? [C]
答案: C. 5.
4. Which statement below is correct? [C]
答案: C. In the third round, everybody had their own balloon with help from others within 2minutes.
5. What was the event going to teach these employees? [A]
答案: A. Sharing and cooperating with other team members is more efficient when they are workingtogether.
阅读理解: 根据文章内容, 判断正误 (共 50 分)。
When you think of team building, do you immediately picture your group off at a resortplaying games or hanging from ropes? Traditionally, many organizations approach team buildingin this way but, then, they wonder why that wonderful sense of teamwork that had been displayedat the retreat or the seminar fails to impact long term beliefs and actions back
操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。
1.Team building event is traditionally related to playing games at resort.
[答案: T]
2. The author claims that playing games together is as important as form teams to solve realwork issues and to improve real work processes for team building.
[答案: F]
3. Retreat in the first paragraph means withdrawal of troops after a defeat.
[答案: F]
4. Ice breaking motivates team members compete with each other.
[答案: F]
5. A good teamwork culture enables individuals make more efforts together.
[答案: T]
单元自测 4 试题及答案
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[题目] Self-esteem needs might include the ______ from a workplace.
答案: rewards
[题目]______ clearly communicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance
答案: Being able to
[题目]______ the job, employers don' t want to hire people who are difficult to get along with.
答案: Regardless of
[题目]— __________You might as well write a thanks-note
答案: Could you suggest some ways of the rewards?
[题目]— Do you mind if I use vouchers to spend in a restaurant?— __________
答案: Not at all. Go ahead.
[题目]— Wow! This is a fantastic project! I've never known you're so creative— __________
答案: Thanks for your compliments.
[题目]— You' d better not push yourself too hard. You can ask the team and listen.— __________
答案: You are right.
[题目]—Can I get you a couple of tea?—_________________________.
答案: That' s very nice of you
[题目] All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, _________.
答案: however
[题目]An appreciated gift and the gesture of providing it will ______ your coworker' s day.
答案: light up
[题目]Companies are ______ interested in your soft skills ______ they are in your hard skills.
答案: as…as…
[题目 ]Fifty-five per cent of the respondents said that praise and attention from theirsupervisor would make them feel ______ the company cared about them and their well-being.
答案: as if
[题目]I think a big part of it is ______ we know how to have fun on the job.
答案: that
[题目]Learning new things has always been a great ______ for me.
答案: motivator
[题目]The leader ______ at creating opportunities to provide rewards, recognition and thanks to his or her staff.
to his or her staff.
答案: excels
二、 听力理解: 听录音, 判断正误 (共 50 分)。
请听录音: UNIT4TL. MP3
操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。
1. Human resources supported the proposal of giving the business intelligence a pay incentiveevery three months at the beginning.
[答案: F]
2.Brad from human resources supports Scott' s idea.
[答案: T]
3.Carlotta is the manager of HRD.
[答案: F]
4. Men and women in the business intelligence team who have been selected to get the prizewill receive the same rewarding things.
[答案: F]
5. The prize-winner cannot choose the prize that costs more than $500. 7. The prize-winnercan only have material awards and no day off.
[答案: T]
二、 阅读理解: 根据文章内容, 判断正误 (共 50 分)。
It' s important for a CEO to be passionate and enthusiastic, but there' s a line ofprofessionalism that must always be maintained.According to a report from the technology website Venture Beat, PayPal CEO David Marcuswrote a critical letter to his employees blaming them for not using PayPal products andencouraging them to leave if they didn' t have the
操作提示: 正确选 T, 错误选 F。
1. A CEO only needs to be passionate and enthusiastic.
[答案: F]
2. It is not professional that PayPal CEO blames his employees not to use PayPal or forgetPayPal passwords.
[答案: T]
4.A one-sided note refers to the root of PayPal' s problem.
[答案: F]
4. When faced with internal problems, good executives find the root of a problem in theirexecutive team first.
[答案: T]
5. Good executives need to give feedback immediately when they are listening to the staff.
[答案: F]
二、 阅读理解: 根据文章内容, 完成选择题 (共 50 分)。
Working for Google is a dream of many, not just because of what this company has achievedin the last 15 years, but because of its enviable work culture. With about 37, 000 employeesin 40 countries, you might wonder how Google maintains a motivating work experience throughoutits entire company.Working for Google comes with perks that most other organizations can' t provide -- bowlingalleys, free haircuts, gym memberships, and shuttles to and from work. The
操作提示: 通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。
1. How would you describe Google? [B]
答案: B. Large global enterprises
2. Which one does NOT belong to the methods that Google motivate its employees? [A]
答案: A. Promoting the employee who has more influence on Google the higher job position.
3. Who founded Google? [A]
答案: A. Larry Page and Sergey Brin
4. If you are a normal employee of Google, what could you do EXCEPT? [B]
答案: B. Only work for the project you choose.
5. What is Google' s secret to success? [C]
答案: C. Valuing the happiness of its employees as much as innovating good products.
单元自测 5 试题及答案
